PROTECT | Suicide Prevention Training Podcast

56 | S001 | Finding Belonging

Manaan Kar Ray Season 3 Episode 17

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In this second episode of Sunny’s Value Scouts on the PROTECT Podcast, Dr. Manaan Kar Ray and Mahi Kar Ray introduce listeners to the heartwarming world of Sunny, the golden retriever, as he embarks on magical adventures in Terra Vale. The goal of this series is to explore essential human values that shape our lives and help build resilience, with each episode focused on one value. This episode centers around the theme of belonging.

The podcast begins with an introduction to the format, explaining how each episode will feature a story from Sunny’s Value Scouts, followed by a conversation on how the value of the day relates to children’s emotional development and suicide prevention strategies. The hosts highlight the importance of these values within the HOPE framework, which is central to the SAFE Life Guide—a guide designed to promote emotional security and well-being.

Mahi then reads the first story from The Path to Belonging titled Finding Belonging. In the story, Sunny finds himself in Terra Vale, a magical land where creatures from different environments come together to learn and teach important life values. Guided by Penny the Penguin, Sunny learns about the deep significance of belonging, both to a family and a community. The story conveys how belonging is not just about having a place, but about finding connection and security with the people or creatures who care for you.

After the story, Dr. Manaan and Mahi delve into the discussion of how the value of belonging can impact mental health, particularly among children. They explore the devastating effects of loneliness across various age groups, including children and adults, citing statistics about the rise in loneliness, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Research shows that loneliness is as harmful to health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day, and the episode sheds light on the dangers of prolonged isolation, which can lead to anxiety, depression, and suicidal ideation.

The hosts emphasize the importance of fostering belonging in children as a way to prevent these negative outcomes. Children who feel a strong sense of belonging are more likely to develop resilience, cope with challenges, and maintain a positive self-image. By feeling connected to family, friends, and their community, they gain emotional security that can protect them from feelings of hopelessness and despair.

The episode also provides practical prompts for parents, caregivers, and teachers to spark conversations with children about the value of belonging. These prompts encourage children to reflect on who makes them feel like they belong, what it feels like to be part of a group, and how they can help others feel included. Through these discussions, children can better understand their role in creating a caring and supportive environment for themselves and others.

By the end of the podcast, Dr. Manaan ties the concept of belonging to suicide prevention strategies, explaining how a sense of connection and community can serve as a protective factor against isolation and mental health struggles.

Tune in next week as Sunny’s adventures continue, and we explore the next core value—Acceptance.

Subscribe to Sunny’s Value Scouts for more heartwarming stories and deep conversations about the values that matter most.


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Dr. Manaan Kar Ray: "This podcast is all about exploring core human values through stories, and in each episode, we’ll dive into a story from Sunny’s Value Scouts series. We’ll be talking about how these values, when practiced in everyday life, can make the world a better place for children and adults alike. What’s even more important is how these values connect to the HOPE framework in suicide prevention, which is central to the SAFE Life Guide. We believe that when people understand values like belonging, acceptance, and courage, they become emotionally stronger, more resilient, and better equipped to face life’s challenges."

Mahi Kar Ray: "Yes! Each story follows Sunny, a golden retriever who goes on magical adventures in Terra Vale, where he learns these values from different animals. Today’s episode is about belonging, and we’ll be reading the first story from The Path to Belonging, called Finding Belonging. It’s such a heartwarming story and one that many kids and adults can relate to."

Dr. Manaan Kar Ray: "Belonging is a fundamental human need, yet in modern society, we’re seeing an increasing number of people, both young and old, who feel isolated and disconnected. Studies show that one in three adults over the age of 45 feels lonely, and the COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated that problem, affecting nearly every age group. For children, this sense of loneliness can have a profound impact on their mental health, and without that feeling of belonging, it can become difficult for them to develop resilience."

Mahi Kar Ray: "That’s so true. When I think about children, I think about how they need that sense of security and connectedness, both in their families and in their friendships. Without it, they can feel lost, and it’s hard for them to thrive. So, this story about Sunny learning about belonging is really timely and relevant."

Dr. Manaan Kar Ray: "Exactly. Belonging plays such a critical role in mental well-being and is also a protective factor in suicide prevention. Loneliness isn’t just emotionally painful—it can literally kill. In fact, research has shown that loneliness has the same impact on mortality as smoking 15 cigarettes a day, making it more dangerous than obesity. This is why today’s conversation around belonging is so vital. So, let’s dive into the first story from The Path to Belonging. Mahi, why don’t you start us off?"

[Mahi reads the story of Finding Belonging] – (10 minutes)

Dr. Manaan Kar Ray: "That was a beautiful reading, Mahi. Sunny’s journey into Terra Vale is such a great way to introduce the concept of belonging, isn’t it?"

Mahi Kar Ray: "Yes, absolutely. The way Penny the Penguin explains to Sunny that belonging is about being part of something bigger than yourself really resonated with me. It’s not just about having a physical place; it’s about the connections and relationships we build, just like the penguins sticking together in the ice fields."

Dr. Manaan Kar Ray: "Exactly. And this story highlights something so important—that we belong not only to the people we’re closest to, like family, but also to the larger communities we’re a part of. This is crucial for young children to understand, especially in a world where many are growing up feeling more isolated. In a recent survey, 61% of young people aged 18 to 25 reported feeling seriously lonely. And even children can experience loneliness, especially if they feel excluded or different in school or social settings."

Mahi Kar Ray: "It’s such a big issue, especially with the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Kids were stuck at home, separated from their friends, and many had to deal with feelings of loneliness for the first time. Belonging is such a critical value because it helps them feel secure and loved, even during times of separation."

Exploring the Value of Belonging

Dr. Manaan Kar Ray: "Let’s talk more about this. Belonging isn’t just a nice-to-have—it’s a basic human need. In fact, Abraham Maslow placed belonging right at the center of his famous Hierarchy of Needs. We need to feel like we are part of something—whether that’s a family, a friendship group, a team, or a community. Without it, loneliness can set in, and over time, it can lead to a deep sense of disconnection and hopelessness."

Mahi Kar Ray: "I think that’s especially important when we talk about kids. They might not always have the words to say, ‘I feel lonely,’ but they show it through their behavior. They might become more withdrawn or act out in school. And it’s often because they don’t feel like they belong anywhere."

Dr. Manaan Kar Ray: "Exactly. Loneliness isn’t just an emotional experience—it’s a risk factor for a range of mental and physical health issues, including depression, anxiety, and even suicide. Research from the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention has shown that feelings of isolation and lack of belonging are some of the biggest contributors to suicidal ideation. In fact, during the pandemic, loneliness reached epidemic levels, and we saw a sharp rise in mental health crises."

Mahi Kar Ray: "So, if children don’t feel like they belong, it can really affect their mental health long-term. That’s why parents, caregivers, and teachers need to focus on creating spaces where kids feel connected and accepted, right?"

Dr. Manaan Kar Ray: "Yes, absolutely. And that’s where we, as adults, can play a crucial role in fostering that sense of belonging in children. If children can see themselves as an integral part of a family, a school, or a friendship group, it provides them with emotional security and resilience. This value of belonging can become a powerful suicide prevention strategy—because when you feel like you belong, you’re less likely to feel isolated or hopeless."

Conversation Prompts for Children 

Dr. Manaan Kar Ray: "Now, let’s shift to some practical ways we can talk about belonging with children. Here are some questions that parents, teachers, or caregivers can use to spark conversations about this value. These are included at the end of The Path to Belonging, and they’re really useful for getting kids to reflect on what belonging means to them."

Who makes you feel like you belong?

  •  Mahi Kar Ray: "I think this is such a good question for kids. It helps them focus on the people who make them feel safe and accepted. When I was younger, it was always my family—being part of a team at home made me feel like I belonged somewhere." 
  • Dr. Manaan Kar Ray: "Yes, and it’s important to help kids name those people. It can be family members, friends, or even pets like Sunny! It opens up the conversation to make them think about who they trust and feel secure with."

What does it feel like when you belong somewhere?

  • Dr. Manaan Kar Ray: "This prompt is great because it allows kids to describe the emotional experience of belonging. Feeling safe, happy, and included are key indicators of belonging." 
  • Mahi Kar Ray: "Yeah, it’s about how kids feel inside when they’re in a space or with people they trust. It’s that feeling of being safe, loved, and wanted."

Have you ever felt left out? What did you do, and how did you feel better?

  • Mahi Kar Ray: "This one’s really important because every kid will experience being left out at some point. Talking about it helps them process those feelings and come up with solutions for the future." 
  • Dr. Manaan Kar Ray: "And it gives them tools to cope with those moments. It’s also a chance to teach empathy—how can they include others who might feel left out?"

Why is it important to make sure others feel like they belong?

  • Dr. Manaan Kar Ray: "This gets kids thinking beyond themselves. It’s about teaching them that they have a role in helping others feel included and accepted, which reinforces the idea of empathy and kindness." 
  • Mahi Kar Ray: "And when kids realize they can help others belong, it strengthens their own sense of belonging. It becomes a cycle of positivity and inclusion."

Belonging as a Suicide Prevention Strategy (5 minutes)

Dr. Manaan Kar Ray: "Before we wrap up, let’s talk about why belonging is not only a personal value but also a critical aspect of mental health and suicide prevention. Studies show that people who feel they belong are significantly less likely to experience chronic loneliness, which can lead to depression and suicidal thoughts. In the context of suicide prevention, belonging provides a sense of purpose, of being needed and valued by others."

Mahi Kar Ray: "It’s really sad to think that loneliness can have such a huge impact on someone’s health. Like you said earlier, feeling lonely is as dangerous as smoking 15 cigarettes a day. It shows that we need connection just as much as we need good physical health."

Dr. Manaan Kar Ray: "Absolutely. For children, it’s important to foster that sense of belonging from an early age. They need to know they have a place in the world, whether that’s in their family, their school, or their friendships. And this is why belonging plays such a crucial role in suicide prevention. When you feel like you belong, you have a reason to keep going, even in tough times. It gives you hope, and hope is one of the most powerful tools we have in the fight against suicide."

Dr. Manaan Kar Ray: "That brings us to the end of today’s episode. We hope this story about belonging resonated with you and gave you some ideas for conversations with your children. Remember, belonging is a value that builds emotional security, and it’s essential for creating resilient children and adults."

Mahi Kar Ray: "We’ll be back next week with another story from Sunny’s Value Scouts. Next time, we’ll explore the value of Acceptance and learn more about how Sunny grows through his adventures in Terra Vale."

Dr. Manaan Kar Ray: "Until then, remember that you belong. You belong with the people who care about you, and you belong in every space that makes you feel safe and valued. Thanks for joining us on this journey."

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