PROTECT | Suicide Prevention Training Podcast

32 | Safe Life Guide - Own My Values

Manaan Kar Ray, Mahi Kar Ray Season 3 Episode 4

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Key Message: Values foster hope and healing, values gender joy and meaning. Explore your core values using Safe Life Guide's HOPE Framework. 

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When the fog descends, and one can’t see ahead, or the sand banks shift, values help us stay on course. In the midst of an emotional storm, values provide grounding and help us reconnect with our strengths. When a storm tips us into the water, values help us stay afloat and keep up the battle for survival. Values are like the sails that catch the wind and help us keep the momentum on the long road of life goals. Values guide us and give us a sense of direction, they anchor us amidst emotional turmoil and keep us safe and provide us the oomph to do the hard yards that life needs us to do.

Close your eyes for 30 seconds and think of a helpful action / step you have taken recently, and ask what values did they relate to? You will often find that the value anchored you or helped you move towards what matters to you.

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